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March 2000

Our meeting for March began with a changing of the guard. After eighteen months as coordinator, Gary Harryman has officially stepped aside. (Gary originally agreed to become coordinator on the stipulation that his tour of duty last no longer than six months!) Our new coordinator, Dahl, has been a regular participant at NORM SoCal meetings for nearly two years, and he brings a wealth of experience and talents to this post.

Present at the meeting were 25 men, including several new faces. One of these was an esteemed visitor, Branden Marr, from San Francisco. Branden maintains one of the most dynamic, candid, and frequently updated restoration diaries on the internet. [Brandon's web site is no longer available.] Branden emailed us after returning home to let us know how much he enjoyed the meeting.

Gary Harryman brought in a new project he's been working on: a timeline showing 84 of the pseudo-medical reasons/excuses for circumcision from the 1860s to present. Among the reasons cited was the prevention of a fictitious disease whose hallmark was ejaculation for any reason other than procreation! Look for the timeline to appear in NORM SoCal's new Online Library in the near future.

Bruce confirmed that a new NORM branch will begin soon in San Diego. While Bruce is still looking for a place to hold meetings, he said he's certain they'll get started this summer. We'll provide more details and contact information as they become available.

The undeniable highlight of the meeting was brought to fore by one of our newest regular participants, Jim. He amazed us all by introducing an entirely new restoration device. His unique design provides pull and maintains tension without the use of tape, O-rings, or elastic rings, and can be removed quickly (2 or 3 seconds) allowing for more spontaneity in sex. Jim generously showed everyone the device and demonstrated how to put it on, which took something less than 20 seconds. However, because he is currently preparing to patent his creation we won't go into details on what it looks like or how it works. We've seen the evidence that it does work, and we didn't let Jim leave until he'd promised to bring some demo models to the next meeting for some field testing. (Anyone interested in learning more can email Jim at

With the meeting running later than usual, our ever popular and unofficial "meeting-after -the-meeting" continued for more than an hour and a half afterwards. We're all looking forward to see what Dahl has in store for the April gathering, and all restorers near and far are invited to attend.