Tragedy stuck shortly after our meeting for July when your webmaster's Palm Pilot
suffered a sudden and mysterious death. The loss of important phone numbers and
notes (including meeting notes) is sad, but the real tragedy is that I must now
reconstruct from memory what happened at last week's meeting.
We spent a good amount of time discussing changes at our parent group, the National
Organization of Restoring Men. They are now officially recognized by the state of California as a non-profit corporation and will soon receive similar recognition from
the federal government. With these changes there has been a structural reorganization,
and new financial management is being implemented. (For the past ten years NORM has
been funded almost exclusively out of Wayne Griffiths' pocket!)
It's unclear how we are going to be impacted by these changes. The consensus at the
meeting was that we would prefer to keep ourselves a fully voluntary organization with
no official membership, no official officers, and no dues collected. Regardless of what
changes may come, NORM Southern California will continue to offer free, confidential
help in matters regarding circumcision and foreskin restoration to any individual
requesting such help.
The remainder of the meeting was spent discussing some familiar topics: cyclic tension,
the Tug Ahoy, and various restoration techniques. There were several first-time
attendees present, some of whom were just getting started restoring, and we helped
answer all manner of questions that they brought up. (For the record, we love seeing
new faces at our meetings. We like knowing that the word is being spread: foreskin
restoration IS possible, and we can help anyone who asks for it.) Dahl brought in a new
brand of cloth tape much like Rejuveness and Hypafix, but which was less costly than
either. Dahl also asked for any and all suggestions the agenda for future meetings.
Next month, we'll have more of the latest news and information on foreskin restoration
and circumcision. We'll also see a webmaster taking notes with good old-fashioned
pencil and paper.