Easter kept some from attending our meeting for April, but the seventeen men who did
show up took part in one of the most focused and dynamic gatherings we've had
recently. Former coordinator Steven Michaud, visiting for the first time in several
months, congratulated us on maintaining the tradition of what NORM Southern
California does best: exchange information and offer help in an atmosphere of
complete support and respect.
With no new coordinator yet chosen (Dahl having concluded his term last month),
our coordinator-for-a-day was Tommy, one of two men at the meeting who have been
taking part in NORM SoCal from the very beginning. Your webmaster was delighted that
we spent nearly the entire time discussing foreskin restoration. Fueled largely by
the enthusiasm of a newcomer who was full of excitement over the prospect of
regaining what was taken from him, we had a lengthy question-and-answer session that
touched upon many of the aspects of the journey from "circumcised" to "restored" -
not only how to accomplish it, but also what to expect along the way.
We also heard a brief report from Tony Shale, who earlier this month attended this
year's conference on circumcision in Washington D.C. Tony shared one small portion of
the seventeen hours he videotaped at the conference - a brief speech by Jim Bigelow,
author of "The Joy of Uncircumcising." [The book is no longer being published, but is
available in PDF form from NORM.]