13 men attended our June meeting.
Our NORM coordinator told the group that he had been contacted by a representative of the TV station Channel 3 from the UK. They are planning to do a documentary about different types of envy, and will include one form of it they call "foreskin envy." They would like to talk to our group about any envy that circumcisied men have of those who are not. As a part of their documentary, they would like to follow one man over a period of time as he restores his foreskin, interviewing him in depth as he progresses.
Some present at the meeting had already heard about the show on the internet, and there was discussion about this invitation as it had been extended to our NORM group. Although it sparked conversation, nobody present seemed interested in volunteering for the project.
A new restorer was present this month, and we spent some time discussing various methods of foreskin restoration. This included a demonstration of the popular t-tape method.
Next, someone in our group had brought in a DVD with clips from an episode of the TV show Desparate Housewives, which had aired last fall. One of the couples on the show were in conflict on whether or not to circumcise their newborn boy. After we watched the parts of the episode containing this storyline, we discussed it at length. In short, the episode showed a man who seemed adamant about not having the boy circumcised, vs. his wife who wanted it done and got her way in the end. Opinions ranged from positive to negative regarding their treatment of the issue of circumcsion. Some were glad to see a public discussion of the subject which included a strong opinion against circumcision, while others were more concerned about how the man's view was portrayed to seem unusual.
As the meeting ended we got back to discussing our own restoration experiences, and for the newer attendees we talked about any discomfort that may come from restoration methods. To reaffirm our thoughts on the subject: no pain, all gain. If one starts to feel pain from any method, he should stop and make adjustments to the amount of tension and how he is applying it. This is important in avoiding irritation or injury to the penile skin.